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Android Binder Bridge gives the ability to communicate directly with the services on the devices. An example of service is package which is handling the package management. To see the full list available services use -l on the abb request.

Execute with stdout, stderr and exit code

Requires Feature.ABB

Executing something on a service is equivalent to executing an arbitrary cmd sub-command (cmd package list, cmd statusbar expand-notifications, etc) on the device. Here is an example of listing currently available services:

val result = adb.execute(
    request = AbbRequest(listOf("-l")),
    serial = "emulator-5554"


This will give you the result of the execution that includes stdout, stderr and exit code.

Executing with stdout only

Requires Feature.ABB_EXEC

Some devices will not support the abb requests, instead they will support abb_exec that only returns stdout.

val stdout = adb.execute(
    request = AbbExecRequest(listOf("-l")),
    serial = "emulator-5554"
