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This is a description of requests in

Execute shell command

Requires Feature.SHELL_V2

You can execute arbitrary commands (ls, date, etc) on the device using the ShellCommandRequest:

val response: ShellCommandResult = adb.execute(
    request = ShellCommandRequest("echo hello"),
    serial = "emulator-5554"

The response contains separate stdout and stderr as well as an exit code.

data class ShellCommandResult(
    val stdout: ByteArray,
    val stderr: ByteArray,
    val exitCode: Int

If the output is UTF-8 encoded then you can use lazy properties output and errorOutput for conversion of bytes into a String, e.g. result.output.

This request expects that the command returns immediately, or you don’t want to stream the output.

Streaming shell request

Requires Feature.SHELL_V2

You can execute arbitrary commands (cat, tail -f, etc) on the device using the ChanneledShellCommandRequest. Shell v2 brings in support for stdin implemented as a separate channel.

launch {
    val stdio = Channel<ShellCommandInputChunk>()
    val receiveChannel = adb.execute(ChanneledShellCommandRequest("cat", stdio), this, "emulator-5554")
    //Sending commands requires additional pool, otherwise we might deadlock
    val stdioJob = launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
                stdin = "cafebabe".toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8)

                close = true

    val stdoutBuilder = StringBuilder()
    val stderrBuilder = StringBuilder()
    var exitCode = 1
    for (i in receiveChannel) {
        i.stdout?.let { stdoutBuilder.append(String(it, Charsets.UTF_8)) }
        i.stderr?.let { stderrBuilder.append(String(it, Charsets.UTF_8)) }
        i.exitCode?.let { exitCode = it }
