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3. Install package

Here is the boilerplate from part 1 to setup the communication with the device:

val adb = AndroidDebugBridgeClientFactory().build()
val devices: List<Device> = adb.execute(ListDevicesRequest())
val device = devices.firstOrNull { it.state == DeviceState.DEVICE } ?: throw RuntimeException("no devices available")

Now we need to execute the request. The InstallRemotePackageRequest installs a package from file that is already available on the device. This means that we first need to transfer our package to the device:

val apkFile = File("/my/precious/application/app-debug.apk")
val fileName =
val channel = adb.execute(PushFileRequest(testFile, "/data/local/tmp/$fileName"), GlobalScope, serial = device.serial)
while (!channel.isClosedForReceive) {
    val progress: Double? = channel.poll()

After executing the request we need to poll the channel for progress until the channel is closed.

Next we need to actually install this file:

val output: String = adb.execute(InstallRemotePackageRequest("/data/local/tmp/$fileName", true), serial = device.serial)
if(!output.startsWith("Success")) throw RuntimeException("Unable to install the apk")

If everything is ok then the output should contain something along the lines of Success.

Next we can verify that this package was indeed installed:

val packages: List<Package> = adb.execute(PmListRequest(), serial = device.serial)
val pkg: Package? = packages.find { == "com.example" }