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Retrieve logcat log

To read logcat once you can execute:

val log = adb.execute(
    request = SyncLogcatRequest(
        since =,
        filters = listOf(LogcatFilterSpec("TAG", LogcatVerbosityLevel.E))
    serial = "emulator-5554"

SyncLogcatRequest maps most of the options exposed by the underlying logcat command:

class SyncLogcatRequest(
    since: Instant? = null,
    modes: List<LogcatReadMode> = listOf(LogcatReadMode.long),
    buffers: List<LogcatBuffer> = listOf(LogcatBuffer.default),
    pid: Long? = null,
    lastReboot: Boolean? = null,
    filters: List<LogcatFilterSpec> = emptyList()

Stream logcat output

Recording the output from logcat (for example when writing to a file):

launch {
    val channel = adb.execute(
        request = ChanneledLogcatRequest(),
        scope = this,
        serial = "emulator-5554"

    val logcatChunk = channel.receive()
    //logcatChunk == "I/ActivityManager(  585): Starting activity: Intent { action=android.intent.action...}\nI/MyActivity( 1557): MyClass"
    //write to a file or append to a buffer

    //Dispose of channel to close the resources

Logcat chunks that you receive might not be \n terminated so if you need to parse logcat output line-by-line then you need to accumulate the chunks in a buffer first.

ChanneledLogcatRequest maps most of the options exposed by the underlying logcat command:

class ChanneledLogcatRequest(
    since: Instant? = null,
    modes: List<LogcatReadMode> = listOf(LogcatReadMode.long),
    buffers: List<LogcatBuffer> = emptyList(),
    pid: Long? = null,
    lastReboot: Boolean? = null,
    filters: List<LogcatFilterSpec> = emptyList()

See the official docs for more info on what these options change.