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When working with adam it’s a good idea to keep the following things in mind.

  1. Response types
  2. Exception handling
  3. Request target

Response types

Every request in adam requires you to create an instance of AndroidDebugBridgeClient in order to execute a requests. All the requests produce either a single response (e.g. ListDevicesRequest):

val devices: List<Device> = adbClient.execute(request = ListDevicesRequest())

or request produces a stream of responses, e.g. a progress of pulling a file:

val testFile = createTempFile()
val channel = adbClient.execute(
    request = PullFileRequest("/data/local/tmp/testfile", testFile),
    scope = GlobalScope,
    serial = "emulator-5554"

var percentage = 0
while (!channel.isClosedForReceive) {
    val progressDouble = channel.receiveOrNull() ?: break

Exception handling

In general, you can expect the following for any request:

  1. ClosedWriteChannelException if the device connection is not be available anymore
  2. RequestRejectedException if ADB server doesn’t respond properly
  3. RequestValidationException if request’s #validate() returns false before execution

There are additional exceptions, namely:

  • PullFailedException, PushFailedException and UnsupportedSyncProtocolException for file requests
  • UnsupportedForwardingSpecException for port forwarding requests
  • UnsupportedImageProtocolException for screenshot requests

Request target

When executing the request agains an ADB server client sends what is the target for that particular request.

Possible targets are:

  1. HostTarget. When asking for information related to a device, ‘host:’ can also be interpreted as ‘any single device or emulator connected to/running on the host’.
  2. SerialTarget. This is a special form of query, where the ‘host-serial::' prefix can be used to indicate that the client is asking the ADB server for information related to a specific device.
  3. UsbTarget. A variant of host-serial used to target the single USB device connected to the host. This will fail if there is none or more than one.
  4. LocalTarget. A variant of host-serial used to target the single emulator instance running on the host. This will fail if there is none or more than one.
  5. NonSpecifiedTarget

In most of the cases you can specify any of them and there are sensible defaults. For example, KillAdbRequest’s default target is HostTarget since this request doesn’t make sense for Android device itself.

For all the requests targeting a particular device, e.g. ScreenCaptureRequest you have to specify the serial parameter when executing, e.g.:

            request = ScreenCaptureRequest(),
            serial = "emulator-5554"

The serial for each particular device can be retrieved by executing either ListDevicesRequest or AsyncDeviceMonitorRequest