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Stat file

Requires Feature.STAT_V2

The following request will return file stats:

val stats = adb.execute(StatFileRequest("/data/local/tmp/app-debug.apk", supportedFeaturesList), "emulator-5554")

The model of stats is represented as FileEntryV1:

data class FileEntryV2(
    val error: UInt,
    val dev: ULong,
    val ino: ULong,
    val mode: UInt,
    val nlink: UInt,
    val uid: UInt,
    val gid: UInt,
    val size: ULong,
    val atime: Instant,
    val mtime: Instant,
    val ctime: Instant,
    val name: String? = null
) {
    fun exists(): Boolean
    fun isDirectory(): Boolean
    fun isRegularFile(): Boolean
    fun isBlockDevice(): Boolean
    fun isCharDevice(): Boolean
    fun isLink(): Boolean

Name is optional and is only filled by list requests but not stat requests.

List files

Requires Feature.LS_V2

The following request will return list of files for a particular path:

val list: List<FileEntryV2> = adb.execute(ListFileRequest("/sdcard/", supportedFeaturesList), "emulator-5554")

Pull file

Requires Feature.SENDRECV_V2

Use the following to pull a file(not a folder) with a known path on the device

launch {
    val channel = adb.execute(
        PullFileRequest("/data/local/tmp/testfile", createTempFile(), supportedFeaturesList, coroutineContext = coroutineContext),
        scope = this,

    var percentage = 0
    for (percentageDouble in channel) {
        percentage = (percentageDouble * 100).roundToInt()

Push file

Requires Feature.SENDRECV_V2

To push a local file to Android device’s folder (remotePath should be the full path with the name of the target file):

launch {
    val file = File("some-file")
    val channel = adb.execute(
            local = file,
            remotePath = "/data/local/tmp/some-file",
            mode = "0644"
        scope = this,
        serial = "emulator-5554"

    var percentage = 0
    for (percentageDouble in channel) {
        percentage = (percentageDouble * 100).roundToInt()

mode is the access rights in octal represented as an instance of String.