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Port forwarding and reverse port forwarding

  1. Port-forwarding
    1. Create port forwarding rule
    2. List port forwarding rules
    3. Remove a port forwarding rule
    4. Remove all port forwards
  2. Reverse port-forwarding
    1. Create reverse port forwarding rule
    2. List reverse port forwarding rules
    3. Remove a reverse port forwarding rule
    4. Remove all reverse port forwards


Create port forwarding rule

This request forwards some local port to a remote device port.

Local port can be defined as:

  • LocalTcpPortSpec(val port: Int). This will map a local TCP port.
  • LocalUnixSocketPortSpec(val path: String). This will create a local named unix path.

Remote port can be defined as:

  • RemoteTcpPortSpec(val port: Int). This will map a remote TCP port.
  • RemoteAbstractPortSpec(val unixDomainSocketName: String)
  • RemoteReservedPortSpec(val unixDomainSocketName: String)
  • RemoteFilesystemPortSpec(val unixDomainSocketName: String)
  • RemoteDevPortSpec(val charDeviceName: String)
  • JDWPPortSpec(val processId: Int)
adb.execute(request = PortForwardRequest(
    local = LocalTcpPortSpec(12042), 
    remote = RemoteTcpPortSpec(12042), 
    serial = "emulator-5554",
    mode = DEFAULT)

DEFAULT mode does not rebind the port. If you need to rebind use the NO_REBIND value.

List port forwarding rules

To retrieve a list of port forwarding rules use the following:

val rules: List<PortForwardingRule> = adb.execute(ListPortForwardsRequest("emulator-5554"))

Remove a port forwarding rule

To remove a forwarding you don’t need to specify the remote port spec.

adb.execute(request = RemovePortForwardRequest(
    local = LocalTcpPortSpec(12042), 
    serial = "emulator-5554")

Remove all port forwards

To clean all the rules:

adb.execute(request = RemoveAllPortForwardsRequest(
    serial = "emulator-5554"

Reverse port-forwarding

Create reverse port forwarding rule

This request forwards some remote device port to a local host port.

Remote(host) port can be defined as:

  • LocalTcpPortSpec(val port: Int). This will map a local TCP port.
  • LocalUnixSocketPortSpec(val path: String). This will create a local named unix path.

Local(device) port can be defined as:

  • RemoteTcpPortSpec(val port: Int). This will map a remote TCP port.
  • RemoteAbstractPortSpec(val unixDomainSocketName: String)
  • RemoteReservedPortSpec(val unixDomainSocketName: String)
  • RemoteFilesystemPortSpec(val unixDomainSocketName: String)
  • RemoteDevPortSpec(val charDeviceName: String)
  • JDWPPortSpec(val processId: Int)
adb.execute(request = ReversePortForwardRequest(
    local = RemoteTcpPortSpec(12042), 
    remote = LocalTcpPortSpec(12042), 
    serial = "emulator-5554",
    mode = DEFAULT)

DEFAULT mode does not rebind the port. If you need to rebind use the NO_REBIND value.

List reverse port forwarding rules

To retrieve a list of reverse port forwarding rules use the following:

val rules: List<ReversePortForwardingRule> = adb.execute(ListReversePortForwardsRequest(), "emulator-5554")

Remove a reverse port forwarding rule

To remove a forwarding rule you don’t need to specify a remote port spec.

adb.execute(request = RemoveReversePortForwardRequest(
    local = RemoteTcpPortSpec(12042), 
    serial = "emulator-5554")

Remove all reverse port forwards

To clean all the rules:

adb.execute(request = RemoveAllReversePortForwardsRequest(
    serial = "emulator-5554"